Pastured Pork, Grass-fed Beef, Buckwheat Honey, Maple Syrup, Maple Cream
Call ahead for other times & availability 413-625-2900 or email
Our fresh grass-fed beef is now available at Clarkdale Fruit Farm in Deerfield and RIVER VALLEY MARKET COOP in Northampton & Easthampton, MA

Wheel-View Farm in Shelburne is a family owned scenic hilltop farm in western Massachusetts raising USDA certified natural grass-fed beef from our primarily Belted Galloway & Murray Grey herd.
The cattle graze on our summer pastures and are fed grass-legume hay from our fields during the winter. These heritage breed cattle do an excellent job of maintaining open space on land that is not suitable for grain or vegetable crops. Our grassfed animals eat only grass from our pastures and hay from our fields from birth to market. They are not given corn, growth hormones, or antibiotics.
We have chosen this type of farming because it is more environmentally friendly, more humane for the animals, and also healthier for the consumer. Environmental Benefits of Grass farming
Shelburne has long been known for having farms that were good for grazing animals and growing apples due to the climate, soils, and elevation that we have here. During the late 1800’s Shelburne was the largest producer of dairy products in Franklin County and by the mid 1900’s the town was also one of the largest apple producing areas in Massachusetts.
Visitors are always welcome, but please call or email for hours and availability.