Steaks — Price /lb. Tenderloin –21.95 Flat Iron –18.50 Rib Eye (Boneless) 18.50 –sold out Sirloin Strip 16.50 NY Boneless Sirloin 14.95 Skirt Steak 11.50 Flank Steak 11.50 Hanging Tender 11.50 Roasts (3-5# pkg) — $8.95 /lb. Brisket (5-7# pkg) Chuck Top Round Eye Round Ground Beef, Beef Sausage & Stew Beef — $8.95 /lb. 20 lbs. ground beef or combination of ground, sausage, and stew discount — $170 ($8.50 /lb.) |
Misc. Price /lb Sweet or Hot Italian Sausage (1# bulk pkg)–8.95 Stew Beef (1# bulk pkg) 8.95 Short Ribs 6.95 Shank 6.95 Ox Tail 8.95 –– sold out Marrow Bones 4.50 Knuckle Bones 3.50 Heart 4.95 –– sold out Tongue 4.95 –– sold out Liver 4.95 Suet 3.00 –– sold out |
Last update
Checks, cash, Venmo, or credit cards now accepted
Credit card fee 3% on orders over $200.
Gift certificates are available in any amount. Call or email for more information.
Please email or call ahead for information about our farm store.
John & Carolyn Wheeler 413-625-2900
10 lb. Minimum order – (Prices subject to change )
Stay Healthy!
We appreciate all our customers. Some have recently found us while others have been coming for over a decade. The cattle eat only grass and hay we produce for them, living a healthy humane life while helping protect the environment from the effects of industrial agriculture.